Student Governing Board Constitution and Bylaws
Article I. Name and Mission
- The name of this organization is the Student Governing Board within the Department of Information Studies at the University of California, Los Angeles. Hereafter, the organization will be referred to as the SGB.
- The mission of the SGB is to serve as a liaison between students, faculty members, administrators, and alumni. The SGB works to promote and enhance student educational experiences by sponsoring academic and social activities and by representing student concerns to the Information Studies administration, alumni, and faculty, to the Graduate Students' Association, and to the University administration.
Article II. Membership
All persons enrolled in graduate programs in the Department of Information Studies are automatically advanced membership in the organization.
Article III. Offices and Duties
The SGB offices and responsibilities are as follows:
- SGB Chair
Responsible for directing activities of all officers. The SGB Chair will schedule and officiate metings, create meeting agendas, hold quarterly locker lotteries, hold bi-annual elections, and transition new officers in the Spring Quarter. - Orientation/Graduation Chair
Prepares introductory information for entering students regarding SGB. Recruits student speakers and volunteers for orientation and commencement ceremonies. Organizes class gift for graduating class in Spring quarter. Serves as a liaison to the Director of Events for GSE&IS. - Social Chairpersons (2+)
Plans social and academic events for each quarter. Enlists volunteers to help organize events. Publicizes events to students, faculty, and staff by making and distributing flyers. Determines the necessary funding for events, maintains records of expenses, and gathers and submits receipts to the Financial Chair for reimbursement. Social chairpersons will organize a Welcome party (fall quarter) and the End of Year party (spring quarter). - Webmaster
Maintains the SGB web page. Moderates the organization's listserv ( Distributes information about meetings and events to students, faculty, and staff via e-mail. Takes meeting minutes. - Liaison to the Alumni
Attends meetings of the UCLA LIS Alumni Association. Encourages active involvement and support of the alumni for SGB and departmental activities and events by communicating with the association officers and members. This representative is also responsible for the collection and dispersal of graduating student data to the Alumni Association. - Liaison to the Dean
Approaches the Dean of GSE&IS with SGB concerns and recommendations on a quarterly basis. Apprises the Dean of SGB activities. Collects pertinent and noteworthy information from the Dean and makes it available to students. Attends Faculty Executive Committee Meetings. - Financial Chair
Attends GSA Social Sciences Council meetings to obtain and ensure funding for the Department of Library and Information Science student body. Maintains records of expenses and income. Collects receipts and reimburses individuals as needed. - Faculty Liaison (2)
The faculty liaisons will solicit student feedback continually throughout the year and then present them at the Information Studies faculty meetings. The faculty liaisons will be responsible for publicizing the responses they have received. They will attend the Professional Programs Committee meetings and provide student input regarding the MLIS program requirements and report back to the students in order to disseminate pertinant information. The Professional programs Committee oversees the MLIS courses and degrees in a manner parallel to the Doctoral Program Committee. - Doctoral Program Committee Representative
--Responsibilities TBD--
Article IV. Elections
Elections for SGB officers will be held twice a year. During the sixth week of the Spring Quarter, elections will be held for returning students, which will include at least the SGB Chair, the Liaison to the Alumni, the Financial Chair, one of the two Social Chairpersons, and one of the two Faculty Liaisons. During the second week of the Fall Quarter, elections will be held for new students and will include the Webmaster, one of the two Faculty Liaisons and one of the two Social Chairpersons, as well as any positions that are not decided in the Spring election. The current SGB Chair will solicit nominations from the currently enrolled students, ensure that the nominees are willing to run, advertise the elections, and encourage student participation in voting.
Article V. Resignation and Removal
Any SGB officer who is unable to regularly attend meetings or fulfill duties is responsible for communicating his or her conflict to the SGB. Resignations can be sumbitted in writing to the SGB Chair and are effective immediately. Additionally, if a SGB officer is not fulfilling his or her duties, SGB may vote for his or her removal. Previous election results will be reviewed and the person who received the next highest number of votes will be asked to serve as a replacement. In the event that nominees are no longer interested in serving as a replacement, special elections may be called.
Article VI. Meetings
Regularly scheduled meetings will be established by the SGB officers. Meetings will be held a minimum of once per month. Meetings are open to all IS students, faculty, and staff. Each member is entitled to one vote and members may vote by proxy or letter. A simple majority (one half plus one) of SGB officers must be present in order to vote on a motion. Written records will be kept of attendance and decisions. Items for discussion may be added to the agenda posted on the website. A special meeting may be held upon the order of any five members. Adequate notice of all meetings will be provided.
Article VII. Availability of Financial Records
Upon request, SGB will make its financial records available to authorized University officials.
Article VIII. Statement of Non-discrimination
SGB, in accordance with applicable Federal and State law and University Policy, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, age, medical condition (cancer related), ancestry, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation or status as a Vietnam Veteran or special disabled Veteran.
SGB also prohibits sexual harassment. This non-discrimination policy covers organization membership, access to organization programs and activities, and the general treatment of members in the organization.
Article IX. Amendment of the Constitution
The constitution of the SGB may be repealed or amended, or a new constitution may be adopted by a simple majority of SGB officers at any regular or special meeting.
Revised 2.2.07 by the Student Governing Board