Date of meeting: meeting type
- Where: GSEIS
- When:January 8, 2007
- Present: Audra Eagle, Madaleine Laird, Camille Ray, Pearl Ly, Sarah Lehmann
Meeting Agenda
- Welcome
- Updates from Officers
Orientation/Graduation Chair: Audra Eagle
- Feedback on position, will contact previous officer for information
Alumni Liaisons: Madaleine Laird, Emma Muchin
- Attending alumni meetings, working with Mary Menzel (CB, Alumni President), How to work with groups (Fall), Alumni Dinner for 2nd years (Spring)
Dean Liaison: Ulia Gosart
Faculty Liaisons: Madaleine Laird, Briana Pullen
- Briana attended meetings, sent notes to SGB-talk
Financial Chairs: Sarah Lehmann, Pearl Ly
- Attending SSC meetings, held meetings for Treasurers
Social Chairpersons: Kirby McCurtis, Camille Ray
- ArtWalk (Fall), Insurance questions, Movie Nights
- End of the year party - $300
Webmasters: Sarah Lehmann, Pearl Ly
- Will be updating
PPC (Professional Programs Committee) Liaison: Vacant
- Not met this year. Meetings about MLIS, post-MLIS degrees
- Event Planning/Budget
- Co-sponsorship for Career Forum and Speaker Series
- Susan Curzon (1/18) – Library School Dean, Career Workshop $75 approved
- Judith Krug – (2/8) Office of Intellectual Freedom $162 approved
- Leslie Burger (2/14) – ALA President
- Sandy Berman (4/26) – Cataloger/Activist $150-200 approved
- Career Forum Refreshments - $150 approved
- Movie nights (“Party Girl,” “The Librarian”)
-2/quarter (tentatively Feb 2, 3:30pm). Popcorn, soda, ice cream sundae $50
-A.V., room, flyers, sending announcements
-Brita filter, get rid of microwave
- Other speakers or events?
- Form Constitution Review Committee – Audra, Madeline, Camille, Sarah, Pearl
- Immediate duties addition to a position on SGB
a. Plan and arrange meeting times, dates, and locations, creating agendas, running meetings, transitioning new officers, elections – add President
b. Take notes for meeting agendas – Add to webmaster
- Read, identify changes
- Contact Mary Menzel – Audra
- Tentative meeting: Fri, Jan 19th 9-11am, 3-5pm (as needed)
Next Agenda:
- Read over constitution
- Class gift?
- Locker lottery
- Elections
- Transition new officers