Date of meeting: meeting type

Meeting Agenda                                                                   

  1. Welcome
  1. Updates from Officers

Orientation/Graduation Chair: Audra Eagle

Alumni Liaisons: Madaleine Laird, Emma Muchin

Dean Liaison: Ulia Gosart
Faculty Liaisons: Madaleine Laird, Briana Pullen

Financial Chairs: Sarah Lehmann, Pearl Ly

Social Chairpersons: Kirby McCurtis, Camille Ray

Webmasters: Sarah Lehmann, Pearl Ly

PPC (Professional Programs Committee) Liaison: Vacant

  1. Event Planning/Budget
    1. Co-sponsorship for Career Forum and Speaker Series
    1. Movie nights (“Party Girl,” “The Librarian”)

-2/quarter (tentatively Feb 2, 3:30pm).  Popcorn, soda, ice cream sundae $50
-A.V., room, flyers, sending announcements
-Brita filter, get rid of microwave

    1. Other speakers or events? 
  1. Form Constitution Review Committee – Audra, Madeline, Camille, Sarah, Pearl
    1. Immediate duties addition to a position on SGB
             a. Plan and arrange meeting times, dates, and locations, creating agendas, running meetings, transitioning new officers, elections – add President
             b. Take notes for meeting agendas – Add to webmaster

Next Agenda:

The Student Governing Board (SGB), a graduate student organization within the Department of Information Studies at UCLA, is primarily focused on students' concerns in the Department of Information Studies.
