Date of meeting: meeting type

Meeting Agenda

(Tony) Perhaps we can link to the minutes from the Executive Committee meeting on our website.

(Rebecca) We divided up most of our money among the IS student groups. We have approximately $400. We can spend that on an end of the year party if we want. Do we think thats what the students would like? Should we have the event on campus or off? We decided that we will talk to students and see what they are interested in and then proceed with plans soon (during the Winter quarter).

(Ali) A student suggested that we allow people with lockers to keep their stuff in them between quarters (between locker lotteries). We decided to keep our policy the way it is: all students must vacate lockers between lotteries. This is much easier for us (we don't have to boot people out individually when they overstay their welcome) and we don't have to worry about people leaving food or other items LOCKED in their lockers over breaks.

We're going to have another meeting in the middle of this quarter. Week 5 - Tuesday, February 7, 2006 at 12:30.

If anyone has any other things to add to this summary or any corrections to make, just send us all an email.

The Student Governing Board (SGB), a graduate student organization within the Department of Information Studies at UCLA, is primarily focused on students' concerns in the Department of Information Studies.
