How to request funding for IS Student Group events

Registered Information Studies student groups are eligible to request University funding from a variety of sources. First, student groups can apply for funding from the Social Science Council. This money comes from student fees and is allocated on a departmental basis; any registered student group in the department can apply for SSC funding. Second, groups that are planning larger events can apply for funding from the Graduate Student Association discretionary fund. Other funding sources are also available. See below for details.

Requesting funding from the Social Science Council Fund

The process of requesting SSC funding for your event requires two main steps. First, you must request approval from the SSC for the amount you wish to be reimbursed. It is best to request this approval prior to the event, although it is also possible to request reimbursement after an event has taken place. Once your request has been approved and the event has occured, you must fill out and submit a reimbursement request along with a copy of the SSC minutes on which your request was initially approved. Here is a step-by-step checklist:

1. Before your event takes place, contact the SGB Financial Chair, Ashley Larson, with the name of your event and a budget listing items you will purchase and their cost. At the next SSC meeting, the Financial Chair will submit your request to the Council for approval.

2. If your request is approved, and once your event has taken place, you are responsible to obtain, fill out, and turn in: Original Receipts (make a copy for your group), a copy of the SSC Minutes with your group’s request highlighted, and a requisition form, which is available either in the IS Student commons or in the GSA Office in Kerckhoff Hall, room 316.

3. Turn in this paperwork to the SGB Financial Chair: Ashley Larson

4. Email Ashely to make sure she has received it:

5. A check will be mailed to the payee in 2-3 weeks.

Other Funding Sources for registered IS groups

  • GSA Discretionary Funding – up to $800 for speakers or larger events, can do joint events with other IS groups
    • Must apply 3-5 weeks in advance
    • Forms and information at
    • The Discretionary Fund can cover food; equipment rental and set-up; honoraria for performers, bands, speakers; travel expenses for speakers, facilities use charges; fliers and other advertising; and parking for guest speakers. If you have specific questions about funding possibilities, please email the Director of Discretionary Funding at
  • Center for Student Programming (CSP) – for larger events
  • SSC General Funds – usually for inter-departmental events
    • If interested, contact Ashley for more information.

The Student Governing Board (SGB), a graduate student organization within the Department of Information Studies at UCLA, is primarily focused on students' concerns in the Department of Information Studies.
